Sunday, January 1, 2012


Snowy backyard

Brrr-but not too bad!

Nuthatch checking out the feeder

Snowy branches
Keesha checking out the haypile

Pooh waiting patiently for something to happen

Tree face with a dusting of snow
Down the snowy lane

Morning wonderland

Side yard - deer feeder, haypile


  1. Very pretty, CarolAnne. Please keep it there!
    The dogs are so cute! Do they LIKE the snow? Your tree face is much better than mine! The one Mom gave me has an obscene nose, in my opinion! If we get snow, I'll take a pic of it so it won't look so bad!

  2. Love your "black bear"! And the doggies are just precious! Lynn says keep it there but you could send some to us. LOL The grandboys would be in heaven and I would enjoy the beauty!
